Sabtu, 17 November 2018

the project is forgotten but has great potential. bitcoin air

Bitcoin Air is based on the idea that dvancing economic growth must do its best to reduce the negative impact in the space that is used to the maximum extent possible. Through the support of the Asset Carbon Credit, and the strategic goal of reducing emissions through routine actions as simple as shopping at your local supermarket, Bitcoin Air plans to create the first environmentally friendly currency, which returns the power of health, wealth and governance back to the consumer world. and merchants.
Bitcoin Air seeks to provide a global solution to many of the main problems faced by traditional emissions, banking and financial systems. By combining the rich and solid Bitcoin feature base, with the environmentally friendly and user-friendly Peercoin method, we produce the perfect dual-chain Blockchain that has the ability to maintain stable and volatile values. Bitcoin Air is one step ahead of applying Atomic Swap to eliminate the need for exchange and centralized trading power.
What coins will you paste?
Bitcoin Air is a bilateral fork between Bitcoin ($ BTC) and Peercoin ($ PPC). We are discussing if we want to enter Bitcoin Cash into Airdrop too!
Bitcoin Air Mission
Bitcoin Air is to design and produce a viable first attempt at addressing key issues related to cryptocurrency, small business and environmental risks that exist today. By producing Chain Chain Chain-Backed Dual-Chain Carbon First, Bitcoin Air takes the lead in pioneering coercion, scalability and overall benefits of using Blockchain. Combining this technology with the Green Initiative and a reliable way to Support Assets, Bitcoin Air created the first Living Ecosystem dedicated to reducing human footprint, reducing living costs and improving overall quality of life.
One of the major problems that hamper cryptocurrency adoption is price volatility against the US dollar. Friends, family, and especially small businesses are hesitant to accept cryptocurrency for fear of falling in value before they can spend or withdraw deposits. Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash produce the right approach to use, scary choices that can benefit from the use of cryptocurrency in their daily lives. The current form of consensus is a negative influence on the environment and does not produce real value.
Air Protocol. Utilizing the unique Air Protocol Bitcoin Air technology, users can choose to release their Bitcoin Air value chain, immediately locking the USD value in price with Carbon Credit. We will maintain the USD value of each currency that is burned in USDAP (USD Air Protocol) through a bilateral relationship that will provide support through your Bitcoin Air Chaining action to USDAP. Maintain peace of mind knowing that the value of your Bitcoin Air is protected safely by the Air Protocol.
Throughout our analysis of cryptocurrency, volatility has become the biggest problem at the moment. And this is largely due to market manipulation and aided by low adoption, no regulations, and failed attempts at backup systems. Bitcoin Air will overcome all these problems by ultimately providing a decentralized payment system and decentralized reserve system that can operate 100% free and decentralized trust from central forces.
Throughout the constant development there has been extensive brand growth that has led to the final and true vision of Bitcoin Air. Initially this began as an initiative to create the first collateral supported by stable double-chain coins that can give back to the planet through the use of consumer-based trade. This vision has developed into a large-scale partnership that will help create the most flexible and measurable merchant-based payment system derived from cryptocurrency development.

About Bitcoin Air
Bitcoin Air is a new lightweight cryptocurrency dedicated to bringing the mainstream of cryptocurrency adoption to small businesses around the world. Bitcoin Air is the first bilateral blockchain operation to display two unique operating chains as one!
Minimum Decent Products
This minimum product demo will display an easy-to-use App Store demo that will give you a feeling of how Bitcoin Air will operate when released. This is not our final product template, also our demo will not be used as a collection of our main features. We will drastically expand this MVP when we receive feedback on how people react to the use and nuances of our demonstrations.
You can take advantage of this demonstration via a tablet, cellular or desktop interface. This will display the basic features that will come to the Bitcoin Paying Water System that will allow several key features to expedite merchant transactions and consumer usage.
The idea behind MVP is to give hands on usage templates for people to gather what will happen before deciding to support Bitcoin Air in an effort to become the largest small business-based stable coin customer.
Road Map
Our Team
Bitcoin Air continues to expand our partnership to achieve the best reach for our products. You can see some of our amazing partners on the right. If you are interested in becoming an Air Bitcoin partner, please send an email to
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New inovation with bitcoin air

Bitcoin Air is based on the idea that advancing economic growth must do its best to reduce the negative impact in the space that is used to the maximum extent possible. Through the support of Credit Carbon Assets, and the strategic goal of reducing emissions through routine actions as simple as shopping at your local supermarket, Bitcoin Air plans to create the first environmentally friendly form of currency, which returns the power of health, wealth and governance back to consumers and traders world.
Throughout our analysis of cryptocurrency, volatility has become the biggest problem at the moment. And this is largely due to market manipulation and is helped by low adoption, no regulation, and failed attempts at backup systems. Bitcoin Air will overcome all these problems by ultimately providing a decentralized payment system and decentralized reserve system that can operate 100% free and decentralized trust from central forces.
Throughout the constant development there has been extensive brand growth that has led to the final and true vision of Bitcoin Air. Initially it began as an initiative to create the first collateral supported by a stable double-chain coin that can give back to the planet through consumer-based trade use. This vision has developed into a large-scale partnership that will help create the most flexible and measurable merchant-based payment system derived from cryptocurrency development.
What is Bitcoin Air?
Bitcoin Air is a new lightweight cryptocurrency dedicated to bringing cryptocurrency main-stream adoption to small businesses worldwide. Bitcoin Air is the first bilaterally operating blockchain that will feature two chains uniquely operating as one!
Bitcoin Air seeks to provide a global solution to many of the key issues faced with traditional emissions, banking and financial systems. By combining the feature rich and populated base of Bitcoin, with the environmental and user-friendly consensus method of Peercoin, we produce the perfect dual-chain Blockchain that has ability to maintain both stable and volatile value. Bitcoin Air goes one step further to implement Atomic Swap to remove the need for exchanges and centralized trade forces.
What coins will you be forking?
Bitcoin Air is a bilateral merge fork between Bitcoin ($BTC) and Peercoin ($PPC). We are currently discussing if we would like to include Bitcoin Cash into the Airdrop as well!
Bitcoin Air's Mission
Bitcoin Air’s mission is to design and produce the first viable attempt at tackling the key issues associated with cryptocurrency, small business and environmental risks at hand today. By producing the first Carbon Credit Asset-Backed Dual-Chain Blockchain, Bitcoin Air leads the way in pioneering the adoptability, scalability, and overall benefits of using the Blockchain. Combining this technology with Green Initiatives and a viable means of Asset-Backing, Bitcoin Air creates the first Living Ecosystem dedicated to reducing the Human Footprint, lowering the cost of living, and increasing the overall quality of life.
Minimum Viable Product
This minimum product demo will display an easy-to-use App Store demo that will give you a feeling of how Bitcoin Air will operate when released. This is not our final product template at all, also our demo will not be used as a collection of our main features. We will drastically expand this MVP when we receive feedback on how people react to the use and nuances of our demonstrations.
You can take advantage of this demonstration via a tablet, cellular or desktop interface. This will display the basic features that will come to the Air Pay Bitcoin System which will allow some key features for smooth merchant transactions and consumer use.
The idea behind the MVP is to provide a hands on template of use for people to gather what is to come before deciding to support Bitcoin Air in it’s endeavors to becoming the largest small business based consumer stable coin.
Bitcoin Air Team
Bitcoin Air is constantly expanding our partnerships to attain the best possible outreach for our products. You can view some of our amazing partners to the right. If you are interested in becoming a partner of Bitcoin Air, please send an email to
Important Links

Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2018

Blockchain plateforme musicale qui change tout


Soundeon est une plate-forme musicale et multimédia décentralisée, basée sur la chaîne de blocs et construite sur l'écosystème Soundeon - un protocole pour les médias modernes. L'entreprise Soundeon constitue un consortium d'experts de la chaîne de blocs, d'artistes, de développeurs de logiciels, de praticiens de la propriété intellectuelle et de responsables des médias qui se préparent déjà dans le secteur des médias
Soundeon s'attaque aux problèmes les plus importants qui assaillent l'industrie des arts de la scène avec une transparence radicale, une gestion équitable des droits de propriété, des mécanismes de financement améliorés pour les artistes et une billetterie équitable. 

Nous aidons les artistes à reprendre le contrôle de leurs créations, à monétiser leur talent et à offrir aux fans un lien de plus en plus étroit avec leurs artistes. Alors que l'industrie de la musique peine à résoudre les problèmes de gestion des droits musicaux enregistrés numériquement et de billetterie événementielle en direct, Soundeon présente une approche par cas d'utilisation couche par couche.

À la base, de nouvelles technologies dans le domaine de la blockchain, telles que les contrats intelligents auto-exécutables et la technologie des registres immuables, permettent à Soundeon de créer un environnement fonctionnel, stable, sécurisé et adaptatif pour résoudre les problèmes pratiques des médias numériques et de la billetterie. La plate-forme couvre tous les aspects de l'industrie de la musique. De la création et du droit d'auteur d'une œuvre à la revente contractuelle d'actifs musicaux existants et futurs, à l'organisation de concerts et à la vente de billets. 

Soundeon utilise une approche multiforme pour éliminer les pratiques de marché inefficaces et archaïques qui affectent à la fois les artistes et leurs fans.

Solution 5 couches sur SOUNDEON
  • Vente de jeton de musique

Habiliter l'artiste à financer ses visions créatives grâce au soutien de ses fans via les ventes de jetons Creative Smart Contract. Les bailleurs de fonds deviennent des parties prenantes engagées dans la réussite de leur artiste.

  • Soundeon Exchange

Un outil de Tokenization et un échange IP décentralisé où n'importe qui peut acheter ou vendre des flux de redevances générant des revenus et constituer des portefeuilles diversifiés. 

  • Soundeon Monitor

Agrégateur de données de redevances basé sur la blockchain et analytique qui permet aux artistes et aux fans de suivre les revenus de tous les flux de redevances et autres revenus, y compris les revenus de billetterie. 

  • Soundeon Player

Music streamer qui utilise le registre décentralisé pour la collecte de redevances immuable et transparente et le mécanisme de fidélisation centré sur le ventilateur.

  • Soundeon Tix

La plateforme de billetterie intelligente de Soundeon utilise des codes QR dynamiques et Creative Smart Contracts pour éliminer le scalping, la fraude et permettre aux organisateurs de contrôler, à la fois le marché de la billetterie primaire et secondaire. Intégration native dans l'environnement Soundeon et les mécanismes de fidélisation COMMENT ÇA MARCHE?

Blockchain Streaming Player
Découvrez les nouvelles opportunités offertes par le lecteur de musique qui implémente la technologie blockchain pour une distribution transparente des redevances.
Vente de jeton de musique
Lancez votre propre vente de jetons et recevez des fonds d'autres membres de Soundeon pour vos projets.
Organisez votre concert en distribuant des billets via Soundeon et recevez directement les revenus des ventes de billets primaires et secondaires.
Droits d'auteur et droits musicaux associés
Enregistrement officiel du gouvernement et de la blockchain horodatée via la plateforme pour une protection maximale.
Licence votre musique, en intégrant toutes les informations clés sur la chaîne de blocs.
Achetez et vendez tous les types de redevances sur le Soundeon Exchange décentralisé. Créez votre portfolio musical personnel.
Distribution numérique
Distribuez et monétisez votre musique sur tous les principaux services de musique
Organisations de droits de performance
Recueillir et agréger les redevances provenant des représentations publiques (radio, TV, spectacles en direct, etc.)


Offre initiale de pièces de monnaie

Détail du jeton 
 prénom Soundeon Jeton
 Total de l'offre 1,0 milliard
 Plate-forme ERC20 conforme
 Capuchon souple 52,7 millions de jetons
 Bouchon dur 650 millions de jetons
 Taux de change 1 Soundeon Token = 0.056923 USD   
 KYC / liste blanche   Oui
 Jetons invendus Brûlé

 Utilitaire Token  
 Effets du réseau Bootstrap
 Commerce des pièces d'artistes
 Propriété partagée IP
 Pré-paiement des services de plate-forme  
 Garantie de fair-play




Vadim Kurochkin

Vladimir Avdeev

Egor Bushlyakov

Anastasia Liberman
Chef de produit

Ruslan Guseynov
Stratégie de développement

Aram Abgaryan
Développement des affaires

Anna Tolstochenko
Directeur du marketing

Tim Guseynov
Consultant créatif

Alina Shaposhnikova
Directeur artistique


Plus d'informations Site Web: Livre blanc: Facebook: Twitter: soundeoncom Bitcointalk: Support: Youtube: Télégramme:  https: //