Jumat, 29 Juni 2018

BUDDY Plataforma de automatización de desarrollo descentralizada

BUDDY es una plataforma para construir un software y una aplicación descentralizada con blockchain que será muy fácil en el camino y operará 
en la era actual, ya que muchos jugadores de negocios e industriales están compitiendo para avanzar unos con otros desarrollando varios pasos y la teoría teórica Para que se convierta en un producto que pueda penetrar en diferentes sectores y para apoyarlo uno de los métodos más prominentes y el más importante es el desarrollo de tecnología, el avance tecnológico será el paso más importante que debe ser capaz de dominar para todos los desarrolladores de negocios e industria.
BLOCK CHAIN ​​se convierte en el desafío y los últimos desarrollos tecnológicos que deben enfrentarse en la era actual de la globalización. 
Actualmente, muchas plataformas ofrecen el desarrollo y la fabricación de aplicaciones basadas en blockchain, pero a menudo tienen la capacidad y el equipamiento menos completos y más difíciles de operar. por lo que solo hace que los propietarios de la industria sean cada vez más difíciles de implementar en un software que realmente se merece usar. 
BUDDY tiene varias ventajas que podrán resolver los problemas anteriores. BUDDY tiene algunas características muy completas que serán capaces de proporcionar un proceso de desarrollo muy simple
  • Tuberías de automatización
      Desarrollo e implementación automatizada de aplicaciones con más de 70 pasos listos para usar
  • Β Sandboxes
      Entorno completo de vista previa y prueba que sirve como una vista previa automática de la aplicación instantánea para cada rama de código
  • Integraciones
      La rica paleta con integración personalizada brinda soporte integral para muchas pilas
  • GRID de automatización
      La infraestructura está descentralizada para ejecutar un número ilimitado de tareas para el desarrollo de aplicaciones
  • DevOps Marketplace
      App store para desarrolladores por desarrolladores con soluciones que automatizan el desarrollo de aplicaciones
  • BlockchainOps
      La automatización del desarrollo de bot se hace para aplicaciones Blockchain más inteligentes, mejores y más rápidas

    DURO CAP: 60,000 
    PRECIO: 0,0002 ETH


    15 DE JUNIO - 15 DE JULIO 
    23 DE JULIO - 30 DE JULIO 

    Actualmente BUDDY se ha asociado con grandes empresas corporativas que han confiado sus proyectos de desarrollo de proyectos a través del ecosistema BUDDY 


Hello everyone and welcome to our first writing contest !


The aim of this contest is to spread the word about our platform which aims to connect investors with innovative ideas - The InoCoin Platform. 

Prizes: 90 STEEM

  • 1st place - 15 STEEM
  • 2nd place - 11 STEEM
  • 3rd place - 9 STEEM
  • 4th place - 8 STEEM
  • 5h place - 7 STEEM
  • 6th place - 6 STEEM
  • 7th place - 5 STEEM
  • 8th place - 4 STEEM
  • 9th place - 3 STEEM
  • 10th place - 2 STEEM
  • 11th-21st place - 1 STEEM
  • 22nd - 42nd place - 0.5 STEEM


Posts must be submitted within 7 days of this post !

 The rules

- Write a post about InoCoinexplaining what the project is, what are INO tokens, how is this platform different from other crowdfunding platforms and add a suggestion to the InoCoin team. Just be creative, original and do your best!

- Link our social media accounts in your post ( you can copy/paste that from the bottom of this post )

-Feel free to use images and media from our website and whitepaper. You can even make your own video and use it as a submission! Videos have a chance of getting a special bonus based on the quality. Please ensure the video is working on whatever platform you choose to publish it on.

-The post must contain at least 250 words !

-The article must be original. The use of article spinners and similar software is frowned upon and will lead to your entry being terminated.

How to enter

-Link this post in your submission

-Post using the inocoin tag

-Comment your post link bellow

-Resteem and upvote this post

-Bonus points(this is not required, we would just appreciate it) if you join our Discord and Telegram      

Each and every post will be manually checked and if everything is done by the rules we will comment: "Your post has been submitted to the InoCoin writing contest".

If you would like to earn even more prizes in the form of INO tokens(1 INO = $0.61 at current market rate), then all you have to do is go to our Bitcointalk BOUNTY thread and follow the steps !

This contest is sponsored by  @thesteemhouse , if you would like to know more about their great project and get free steemhouse tokens, go to their Discord. The top 5 entries from their Discord channel recieve 200 STEEMHOUSE tokens each.

Join us on:



Bitcointalk ANN






Bounty buddy salah satu proyek bagus dari bitcoin

BUDDY adalah merupakan platform untuk membangun sebuah softwere dan aplikasi yang terdesentralisasi dengan blockchain yang akan sangat mudah di jalan kan dan di operasikan
pada masa seperti saat ini banyak sekali pelaku bisnis dan industri yang berlomba lomba untuk saling memajukan usaha dengan mengembangkan berbagai macam langkah dan teori teori pemasaran sehingga menjadi sebuah produk yang akan mampu menembus berbagia macam sektor dan untuk mendukung itu salah satu metode yang paling menonjol dan sering kali menjadi pokok yang paling penting adalah pengembangan teknologi , semakin hari kemajuan teknologi akan menjadi langkah yang paling penting yang harus mampu di kuasai bagi semua pelaku bisnis dan pengembang industri .
BLOCK CHAIN menjadi tantangan sekaligus perkembangan teknologi yang paling mutakhir yang harus di hadapi di era globalisasi saat ini
pada saat ini banyak sekali platform yang menawarkan untuk pengembangan dan pembuatan sebuah aplikasi berbasis blockchain namun seringkali memiliki kapasitas dan peralatan yang kurang lengkap dan terlalu sulit untuk di operasikan sehingga itu hanya membuat para pemilik industri akan semakin kesulitan untuk mengimplemantasikan menjadi sebuah softwere yang benar benar layak untuk di gunakan.
BUDDY memiliki berbagaimacam keunggulan yang akan mampu menyelesaikan permasalahan permasalahan di atas. BUDDY memiliki beberapa fitur yang sangat lengkap yang akan mampu memberikan proses pengembangan yang sangat simpel

Buddy good project

BUDDY is a platform for building a software and decentralized application with blockchain that will be very easy on the way and operated 
in the current era as many business and industry players are competing to advance each other by developing various steps and theory theory marketing so that it becomes a product that will be able to penetrate different sectors and to support it one of the most prominent and often the most important method is technology development, the more technological advancement will be the most important step that must be able to be mastered for all business and industry developers.
BLOCK CHAIN ​​becomes the challenge as well as the latest technological developments that must be faced in the current era of globalization 
at the moment a lot of platforms that offer for the development and manufacture of a blockchain-based applications but often have the capacity and equipment that are less complete and too difficult to operate so it only makes the owners of the industry will increasingly difficult to implement into a softwere that really deserve to use. 
BUDDY has various advantages that will be able to solve the above problems. BUDDY has some very complete features that will be able to provide a very simple development process

Rabu, 27 Juni 2018

Araw ia one of the best good projects ini bitcoin

ARAW is an ecosystem with decentralized payment, based on Ethereum Blockchain, which seeks to increase the implementation of blockchain in everyday life around the world. ARAW IS the first company in the world to combine the benefits of e-Commerce and payments industries; to provide end-product solutions for e-Commerce, Cryptocurrency Touch & Pay cards, online cryptocurrency payment and unified reward system on Ethereum Blockchain based on the ARAW token. The purpose of the ARAW token is to be a part of everyday online shopping.
Araw platform eliminates the fundamental problems in the economy of e-Commerce and cryptocurrency. The ARAW token acts as more than a simple reward - as it is used and redeemed for all members of the ARAW ecosystem. In addition, owners ARAW may convert their tokens into fiat currency using the mobile wallet ARAW and return cash back to your Bank account.
Also ARAW token will allow regular customers to participate in the rapidly expanding world of cryptocurrency - bringing benefits to all parties involved. The key factors are the ease of acceptance for the client as reward schemes are already common.
The ARAW token is a utility based token specifically designed for the global E-commerce marketplace. ARAW token works as unified rewards as well as mode of payments for both online and retail outlets.
The Araw Platform offers a practical solution to the problems outlined above as well as the potential to become the practical heart of e-commerce and cryptocurrency combined. It strives to reward shopping with cryptocurrency by exposing the common person to the ARAW token. The key focus of ARAW is giving effortless access to cryptocurrency ownership which comes with potential rise in value - without dealing with any of the underlying complexities which make cryptocurrency unattractive.
The Unified Reward System seeks to transform the poorly utilised loyalty industry by fusing the shopping reward potential of all retails together regardless of the product - focusing on rewarding the individual with cryptocurrency market access as well as a form of investment. With our technical offering, we seek to support individual sellers as well as enterprise vendors. The ARAW token can be adopted in any location - this global decentralised potential represents virtually limitless growth of the token. This adoption will be seamless as we seek to penetrate e-commerce platforms as well as regular retail shops, without introducing any habitual change from the user perspective.
Araw Touch & Pay Card is our single card solution for all reward programmes a shopper may be interested in - the first of its kind in the UK. It allows customers to earn ARAW tokens with their daily purchases as well as pay using accumulated ARAW tokens. This ensures that an average customer can easily adopt the use of the card due to its similarity with existing technologies - but now empowered with ARAW tokens which hold intrinsic value and never expire. This offering allows the ARAW token to have a practical daily use which cryptocurrency has been struggling to fulfill as token value was previously disconnected from its contextual use until now.
Blockchain User Adoption & The Araw Platform
The Araw platform is aiming to target multiple channels to increase the adoption of the blockchain technology.
One of the main goals of the Araw Platform is to provide unified reward system and marketing solution for e-commerce businesses, which aims to increase the footprint of customers, building meaningful relationships with them, and hence increase the growth of the business. We present the ARAW Token as the solution to unlock the full potential of reward programmes and thus increase value for all participants in this loyalty system.
The ARAW Token Ecosystem
Initial Coin Offering
Ticker : ARAW
Token type : ERC20
ICO token price : 1 ARAW = $0.01
Total tokens : 5,000,000,000
Available for token sale : 3,500,000,000 (70%)
Whitelist : YES (15 May – 30 June)
Know Your Customer (KYC) : YES
Pre-sale start date : 1 JULY
Public sale start date : TBD
Soft cap : 5,000,000 USD
Hard cap : 25,000,000 USD
Accepts : ETH
Contact us for pre-sale : tokensale@arawtoken.io
Pre - Sale
Token Sale: 1 JULY – 30 AUG
Public Sale
Augut 1th, 2018
More Information :